Collaborative Law

Collaborative Lawyers London

Our solicitors undertake collaborative law as an addition to our other services. This is the process which commenced in America and has now come over to the United Kingdom and is increasing in popularity.

The collaborative law process is one where both parties and the solicitors sign up for an agreement that the matter will not proceed to court.  The process has been described as a hybrid between mediation and round table negotiations.

For collaborative law to work each party must have a collaborative solicitor and conduct meetings at an agreed destination so that all parties take part in discussions.

From the outset an agenda is decided upon and the number of meetings and length of the process can be agreed.  The intention is to achieve an outcome in which both of you are happy with. This can include finances, the children and any other aspect that you wish to be included in such agreement. The court will approve this agreement provided that the terms are not against public policy.

If it is impossible for you to reach an overall agreement notwithstanding the number of sessions and you do require the assistance of the court, then the collaborative lawyers will have to withdraw and cannot take part in any other proceedings.  Collaborative law can be a useful tool where the parties are on reasonably good terms.

Contact our Collaborative Lawyers in London

To make an enquiry please fill in our form, call us on 0208 343 2998 or click to contact our collaborative solicitors.

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