The cardinal rule is: don’t leave the house [in the event of relationship breakdown]. Doing so puts the other party in the driving seat. Try to get together as much legitimate paperwork as you can. Often, people come in with bags of stuff we are not allowed to look at because it has not been legitimately gained. If you go through your husband’s text messages or briefcase and take papers, they cannot be used. There are strict boundaries. Be aware of what his assets might be, what you have in your savings, and so forth. But do not panic about what you don’t know – 99 per cent of women have no idea what their partners earn. Don’t feel foolish or silly; this is normal. Be vigilant: as soon as credit cards are closed down, hotfoot it to the solicitor. Money being moved out of a joint account should ring alarm bels.
Is a prenup a good idea? Definitely. Certain criteria give them huge weight, such as if you want to protect your assets for your children. Prenups are not just for the wealthy. If you are likely to earn a lot of money, it is worth setting up trusts that won’t be considered matrimonial assets.
– Vanessa Lloyd Platt, proprietor of family law specialists Lloyd Platt & Co.
Extract from You Magazine in the Mail on Sunday (31 January).